The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you in the name of our Resurrected Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

As we are in the Eastertide my prayers are with you to reflect on the Stories of Risen Lord Jesus appearing to His disciples and His followers and to receive His ever-living presence with us.

As per the Church liturgical calendar this month we are blessed with Ascension Day (18th May) Pentecost Day (28th May) and also within LTCC we have Easter Bhajan and Children in Need (28th May).

I have a vision to share with you to pray continually for nine days between Ascension and Pentecost. To begin with we can meet via Zoom on Friday 19th May at 7pm (Prayer Group Coordinators will keep in touch with you for more details). Following the prayer on 19th May, you can continue our prayers until we meet again on the 4th Sunday.

The theme of the prayer will be ‘Peace in the family’. Family is a gift from God. Jesus was born into a family. God so loved the world and sent Him to save the World as His family. We are children of God and we do have an earthly family of our own. These prayers will enable us to transform ourselves and make us to be peace builders within our own families and beyond our families into the World.

Each day we can read the following scripture from Genesis 37 to 50 and pray from the story of Joseph. Porthahar and I are blessed in these Eastertide to understand Ecumenical Churches and Migration in and around the world from Jesus’ time through different Church practices and up to the contemporary life journey, from our Christian brothers and sisters.

We pray for you all and may the Lord bless you and we are asking you to pray for us too. “When we pray we are not alone”. The power of Prayer makes us see the Resurrected Lord’s love and grace in our life journey.

Have a blessed month.

With blessings

Revd Jessie Anand, Minister, LTCC            May 2023

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