Take up the Shield of Faith
Dear Friends
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
As we are journeying in the Lenten days, the story of Jesus in the wilderness and his victorious story of overcoming the devil’s strategies by the word of God are marvellous to remember often in our lives. Real life is given to every Christian to take up the shield of our faith when we meet challenges in life. Many call those challenges in life ‘spiritual warfare’. Paul encouraged his congregation at Ephesus to be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power when they had spiritual warfare. He also persuaded them to put on the full armour of God, so that they could take their stand against the devil’s schemes.
Like everyone, since 2020 we have had lots of unexpected challenges due to the pandemic and its impact. It changed our way of life and even our worshipping life. Now we have worship in person at South Harrow on the 2nd Sundays and at Hammersmith on the 4th Sundays. We have Zoom Service for 3rd Sunday worship (Please note that from this month onwards Zoom Sunday Service will be from 6:00pm and not 4:00pm.) I request you all to worship in these Services with your families.
If any of our members are unable to worship in person due to their health or age conditions, please encourage them and their families to make use of the LTCC’s Zoom facilities for the worship. I assure everyone that Faith makes our lives different. We all together practice our focus on God and stand upon our Faith in Christ to overcome difficulty in all our life situations with the help of God.
Lenten Studies are led via Zoom every Saturday from 7:00pm to 8.30pm. The Studies focus on “Life from Psalms and Jesus’ Parables”. Please inspire one another to attend the Study as it will help each of us to grow stronger to take up the shield of Faith in Christ in our personal life journey.
This month’s 4th Sunday Service at Hammersmith will be ‘Mothering Sunday’. Please give your generous helping hands to bring your mothers and worship the Lord in our Church, as our Mother, to know God’s compassion and mercy in our lives.
Pray continually and praise God for His immense grace in our lives.
Have a blessed Lenten journey
In His Mission
Revd Jessie Anand, Minister, LTCC March 2023