Unbreakable Sovereignty
Dear Friends
Easter Greetings to you all !
The Day of Easter reveals the sovereignty of God’s love and power and encourages those who believe in Jesus to see we are not alone in any of our life situations. This is because Jesus not only died but also He was resurrected on the third day. He is a living God! The empty tomb is the sign that reveals the truth that He is not there!
During and after His crucifixion the darkness covered His followers since they were disappointed and entirely immersed in the situation of the loss of their Master and His teachings. Some had thought Jesus might be the Messiah who would deliver them from their oppression by the Roman authorities. But when Pilot washed his hands and handed over Jesus to be crucified, the disciples’ whole plan, dreams and aspirations seemed to be thwarted. Easter reminds everyone that Jesus’ life story after resurrection reveals the unbreakable sovereignty of the purpose of Jesus’ coming into this world.
Since Easter, Jesus’ followers are being promoted to understand God’s light more distinctly, God’s forgiveness to the humanity more significantly, and God’s unconditional and broader love in Christ more persistently.
We celebrate Easter in the midst of the darkest and most desperate situations like today’s pandemic. We are unable to worship in our worshipping centres and unable to meet one another, but the Spirit of the Lord unites us to focus on His ever-living presence and to raise our voices from wherever we are to say “Hallelujah, Christ is Risen, He is risen indeed, Hallelujah!”
May this special year’s Easter celebrations bring lots of blessings to everyone and to our families in His own way, to understand His unimaginable love and power.
May we know Jesus’ resurrected power and His unconditional love in our lives and not fail to share with one another His marvellous deeds which we experience in our life journey.
I wish you all a happy, blessed, and meaningful Easter and Eastertide!
With every blessing
Revd Jessie Anand
(Porthahar Amma)
London Tamil Christian Congregation 4th April 2021