Love is the basic Gift

“When the complete comes, the partial will come to an end”

Love is the basic gift

Dear Friends

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

We have gone through four months and entered the fifth month of this year. We started our lockdown situation on 23rd March to safeguard ourselves and others in this pandemic crisis. Nearly 40 days have gone!

Some of us are reflecting on how we can approach our future which may not be like before. How can we practice the new ways we learnt in this strange situation? Some of us may be asking ourselves ‘When will this lockdown be lifted’?

Corona has brought us a breadth of opportunities to build up new relationships within our families and within the Church family. We are all learning every day from each other and we try to be part of one another’s emotional situations and to see the bigger picture of God’s love and His guidance.

I appreciate many of us are mindful of sharing our spiritual gifts with one another, as a family or as an individual. By doing this sometimes you may come across joy or even frustration when you share your spiritual or material gifts with one another. But we need to remind ourselves that love is the basic gift and there is no change in that Christian mantra to glorify and lift up Christ’s name. We can retell ourselves “Love is the basic gift given to humanity by the sacrificial love of Christ and His teaching to His followers”

When Paul explains the spiritual gifts to His Congregation at Corinth from 12th to 14th chapters of 1 Corinthians, he includes the 13th Chapter as a uniting Chapter to emphasis LOVE. Please read this Chapter and ask yourselves “What kind of love do we want to express today?” Are we facing partial or incomplete feelings when we are practicing our faith? Fear not, the Risen Christ is with us. He is strengthening us every day to see His abundant and complete living presence in our strange and unexpected situation.

This month we will have our three worship services in your homes. Please use the worship video which you can find on the LTCC website (  Regarding pastoral care, I am happy to be contacted directly at any time (07760-252655) or through your Prayer Fellowship Co-ordinators. At present, Prayer Group gatherings are being organised via ‘Zoom’. More details will be available from your Prayer Fellowship Co-ordinators.

We begin this month with the Joint service with All Saints Church, Battersea. Our Central worship will be Easter Bajan Service on Sunday, 24th May. If you would like to sing a solo or a family song for Easter Bajan Service please let me or Choir Leader Mrs. Chandra Nirmalanandan know; that will be helpful for us to organise the Service as LTCC family to raise our voices to praise our Risen Lord. May this month be a great blessing to all of you!

Be safe and support one another with your encouragement and prayers.

In His Service with prayers,

Revd Jessie Anand

Minister, LTCC                                                                                  3rd May 2020


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