'Jesus was Abandoned, Afflicted but Alive'

Jesus was Abandoned, Afflicted but Alive


Dear Friends,

Greetings to you all in the name of our Servant King and the Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ!

This month brings us the mixed feeling of the sober and successful life story of Jesus Christ to be remembered, reflected on, and integrated throughout the Church Liturgical Bible readings in our worshipping life.

The days seemed to be running faster, which we can experience this year. But the life of Jesus on earth remains the same for us to remember. Historically His agony at Gethsemane and suffering on the Cross to offer Salvation for each one of us and for humanity is incomparable and unimaginable. But when we believe His sacrificial life for us on the Cross it becomes a personal relationship with God as He builds His Kingdom on earth with His nature and Servanthood. May we have passion in knowing Christ’s suffering and see Christ in our suffering in our day-to-day lives to prepare ourselves to meet Him as a Resurrected Lord on Easter Day!

As per the Church Calendar, the Passiontide begins on the 1st Sunday of this month.  On Palm Sunday we worship together at South Harrow in person with the procession. During Holy week especially on Good Friday, we meet in person at Rivercourt Methodist Church, Hammersmith to remind ourselves of Jesus’ Stations of the Cross and His last 7 inspiring verses on the Cross.

I would like to take this opportunity to join the Lenten journey with LTCC through Bible studies on Saturdays this Season. We pray for each other in the Evening Prayers and in our Worship Services to grow as a Faithful worshipping community and to be mindful of our connection with our Lord. We pray that our own families and our Church family experience His ever-living presence with us.

I am preparing Tania for her Confirmation on Easter Day. Please uphold her especially in your prayers.

May God bless all of us and make known His presence and love in a unique way in this pandemic.


In His Service

Revd Jessie Anand,   Minister - LTCC                 

April 2022




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