Dear Friends
Greetings in Jesus’ name.
David sings “Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom.” Psalm 145:3
At the end of last month, Porthahar and I attended a Retreat. It was a journey with the stories from the Northern Saints in the past such as St Hilda, St Cuthbert, St Bede, and others. They all proclaimed the love of Christ and witnessed His love from their challenging life situations. Their stories are still living stories that help us to know the deep love of Christ from the past till today.
We all live in the perplexing situation of this pandemic, though we have the freedom to move around nowadays. We can recognise the greatness of God, no matter whatever situation we go through, because He is fulfilling His purpose in each one of our lives.
Hebrews,12th Chapter, encourages us to focus on fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.
“...since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God”
This month reminds us, as LTCC family, to focus on knowing Christ's mission locally and globally and to celebrate the World Mission during our 4th Sunday Service. Today we had a Vocation Bible School (VBS) via Zoom from 11 am to 3 pm. Children focused on Christ as our light in our darkness. Ten children and six adults participated. Bible stories, memory Verses and Choruses encouraged each one to fully understand our life situations and compare our faith journeys. Children enthusiastically worked in their break-out rooms, offering prayers and getting involved in craftworks, in order to understand how God is great in their own life situations.
I wish and pray that each one of us in our Church, regardless of age, moves on with our understanding of Christ’s ever-living presence and how we can spell out that God is great in our life journey.
Have a blessed month!
With blessings
Porthahar Amma
7th August 2021