

Choir / Choice of Hymns

Anyone who wishes to have a particular Hymn on a Sunday or to join the Choir or sing at our Services, please speak to Rajie 


Sunday School

Please get in touch with Nishani, Rajie, Premi & Gaya 


Youth Fellowship

Please get in touch with Thushani 


For Fellowship Tea Contribution at any of our Services

Please speak to Rapoony 


Gift Aid & LTCC Membership

Please, Gift Aid the offertory/donations you make for the work of our Lord at LTCC. This would enhance your contributions by another 25%. Please use the orange envelopes that are available at our Services. Should you need any further details about Gift Aid or membership please speak to    Viji 



Please speak to Surendran for any financial matters including making

contributions by Standing order

LTCC Gift Aid & Standing order forms available here


‘Children in Need’ Project

Please return your collection containers to us so that

your contribution can be added to helping children back home.

Please speak to Rajie or Nishani 


Prayer Fellowship Groups

Anyone who wishes to join a Prayer Group please speak to the respective Prayer Fellowship Coordinators 

‘Keep in Touch’

If you would like to receive regular communication from LTCC

please provide an e-mail address. Confidentiality will be maintained.


Pastoral Concerns, Congregational & Confidential Matters

Please arrange a meeting with the Minister or contact 

 Rajakumar or Charles 


Baptisms, Confirmation & Weddings

Please get in touch with the Minister, Revd. Prasad Vasanthakumar


With warm wishes

London Tamil Christian Congregation.

(Putney Church)

Secretary : 07947 950 781


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