Youth Service 27/03/2011



The London Tamil Christian Congregation Youth Service held on Sunday 27th March 2011 was cleverly woven around the theme: “How to respond to the Grace of God”.

The service began with a call to worship by the minister Rev. Jessie Anand followed by the appropriately beautiful hymn “My Jesus, My Saviour”, sung by the youth and accompanied on the piano by Sahana.

Lakshman and Thaya read the Old and New Testament readings and the Covenant Singers rendered four meaningful and lifting hymns in English and Tamil. A sketch by the youth followed in which a troubled family find meaning and peace in their life    during a conversation with a sales representative played by Aji, where he pointedly asks them when they last went to church and reminds them to remember God’s many blessings they have received. The family take this advice to heart and finds that remembering and thanking God for his daily blessings is the way to respond to his Grace.

The Sermon was preached by the minister followed by prayers of intersession led by Lucky. The communion service followed. During the communion Nishani and Thushani played Veena. The fellowship tea after the service well prepared by Devina , Jessica & Mathy. The coordination & stage management during the service was nicely done by Oswin and Kirishanth. 

The service as a whole meaningful and very well organised.

 by R S Thambiah

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