M is the million thing she gave me
O means only that’s she growing old
T is for the tears she shed to save me
H is for her ear so tender and so soft
R means right
Thank you God for my Mum
I love my Mum so much because.................
She gives me things that I want
She helps me with my home work when I am stuck
She gives me good food and drink
She wipes my face when I am crying
Mum is the best person
She is the best person in the family
I want her to live for ever
She helps me
She takes me to school
Prayers from Children
Dear Lord,
“Help the people in Japan who are homeless to find a new home”
“Help the people in Libya to find good jobs and
help us to raise money to give poor people.”
“Help me to make my bedroom tidy so mummy doesn’t have to clean after me.”
“Help my mum to be healed from her back pain”