Lent Study 3
Jesus Heals on the Sabbath, at the Pool of Bethesda in Jerusalem
The purpose of John’s gospel and selected signs are to reveal who Jesus is.
He was the son of God. (John 5:16-18)
- Signs from this passage:
- Day: The Sabbath - He comes to fulfil the law.
The 10 commandments prohibited work on the Sabbath since it was a holy day set apart (Exodus 20:8-10). Jesus had many arguments and debates with the Jewish leaders of His day on Sabbath. This miracle happened on the Day of Sabbath, so created religious conflict. The Law given to Israelites by God was to love Him and to love others. (Mark 12:30-31), But it was observed as if God had created people to keep the Sabbath holy. Through this miraculous act, Jesus reminded people and Jewish leaders that Sabbath was a gift to the people.
- Sheep gate:
Nehemiah 3:1, Nehemiah 3:32; Nehemiah 12:39. This refers to the gate through which the sheep were brought which were offered in sacrifice in the temple. John is writing that Jesus is the lamb of God!
- Days: 38 years
A man near the pool who had had an infirmity for 38 years had repeatedly attempted but failed, to reach the water before anyone else. His race to the pool was made extra difficult since he had no one to help him. Jesus decided, however, to take pity on the man and personally healed him (John 5:1 - 9) Whatever the punishment and awkward situations people go through in life, Jesus as the Son of God saves and delivers them.
- Story:
- Bethesda means “house of mercy”.
- We can understand the blaming and depressive culture of the man.
- He told the truth about his situation. Jesus gave him strength.
- He answered the Jewish leaders that he did not know who healed him because he didn’t make any efforts to know who Jesus was.
- Jesus came to him again and told him not to sin anymore.
- Once he knew who Jesus was, he got the courage to challenge the Jewish leaders and Jewish people about who Jesus was.
- Debate and argument arose. But he never stopped witnessing for his healing.
- Surprises:
- He found out who was Jesus and he proclaimed it.
- His proclaiming paved the way for Jesus to help the Jews to know who he was.
- How can you describe this man who had been ill for 38 years?
- What could be his conversation with Jesus on that special day?
- What things could have helped him to get healing from Jesus?
- What might be his reaction after he received the blessing of holistic healing in the temple?