Holistic Healing from Jesus - 'Jesus in Capernaum'

Lent Study 2

Jesus’ miraculous healing in Capernaum

John 4:46-54



  • 2 days : Number 2: Symbol of Unity, Division or witness.

2 of every kind of animal entered Noah’s ark; 2 tablets contained the Ten Commandments; 2 testaments make up the Word of God; 2 witnesses were required by law for valid testimony; 2 angels testified at the tomb, and so on.

  • Hours : Hours of the day.

It is generally accepted that the Jews counted the hours of the day from sunrise (6 am). 

  • Place : Jesus was travelling from Jerusalem to Galilee. Jesus was in Cana, the healing happens in Capernaum. His words are powerful enough to heal a person who lives in any part of the world.



The Official’s son was at the point of death…. This is the issue in this story.

The healing of the official’s son takes place at a distance. John uses seven miracles -which he calls ‘signs’-in order to prove that Jesus is, in fact, God incarnate.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” Place is not a barrier to receiving God’s divine healing. All Jesus has to do is tell the man: “Go your way. Your son will live.” This emphasizes that Jesus’ word alone has power and reminds us that He is God, as John’s prologue says: “The Word was with God and the Word was God” (Jn 1:1). In the first sign, we hear Jesus tell Mary that “my hour has not yet come.” However, with this first miracle, Jesus sets out firmly on the path to that hour.



  1. Counting the hour for God’s blessing and thanking Him, like this official, is important in life.
  2. The place doesn’t matter when it comes to receiving divine healing.
  3. Jesus is the Word. He said the word and the man obeyed and believed.
  4. Calculating the hour to find out when this healing happened, showed his gratefulness for receiving divine healing.
  5. It showed his eagerness to know how God works in life. That is important.
  6. Then he himself believed, and along with him his whole household as well.

Continuous Reflection on the following:


*On trusting on God’s word 

*On calculating His actions

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