God makes each one of us different. We have unique personalities, giftings and talents. God gives us those giftings and talents so that we can reach out to others and share the love of Christ through those gifts.
Dear Member,
Greetings to you all in the name of Jesus Christ.
Worshipping together and caring for one another are the real opportunity which God has given us in our congregation. This opportunity generates space for us to share our talents with a greater desire to fulfill our vocation within our Tamil community. There is no doubt that God has created us with different and diverse gifts which may be hidden within ourselves. I invite you this year to recognize and consider your God given talents to be shared to build the kingdom of God.
Please make a commitment
God bless you
Rev. Prasad Vasanthakumar
I welcome you to use your gifts and talents in any of the following areas by joining us in serving God – remembering that every task will be valuable and appreciable: